Sunday, February 5, 2012

And the winner is...

While the fans of the nation prepared for today's competition, I had been preparing for a little competition of my own.

Since I have already decided on furniture for the room (and have acquired funding for said items through the New Grandparent's Banking Union) it was time to pick a color scheme for the nursery. Sounds easy right? Well it was about as easy as winning the lottery or, as I have recently found, registering for Baby H*. 

I was surprised that I was able to narrow down my favorites to two options relatively easily. (You try googling "Nursery Color Scheme"..I dare it.) 

I was drawn to the navy and orange rooms immediately. I liked the bold and classy feel that the two colors could provide while still allowing some room for a modern twist as seen in the inspirational rooms below.

The aqua and orange rooms that I found online definitely stood out as well. I liked that these rooms had a soft and playful feel. 

Don't these rooms make you want to go CRAZY and redecorate something!? I'll wait while you pull yourself together...

So after a lot of debate (between my classy-self and playful-self) I have decided on going with the aqua and orange. I have convinced my classy-self that I can always use the Navy and Orange as Baby H gets older (but not so old that he doesn't need his Momma's help decorating his room).  

I'd like to say that I'm almost done with all of these decisions, but it seems like they've only just begun. I'll be sure to post the specifics once I get everything pulled together. And if you just can't wait (it's OK, I wouldn't be able to wait either), feel free to hop on over to my nursery boards on Pinterest.

*P.S. I have finally finished registering! Check out my registry here:  Baby H Registry at Target. I welcome any suggestions/comments on the items included in the registry. 

1 comment:

  1. Now that I know how to comment (each post can be commented on), I just wanted to say that I am glad the "aqua" color won out, although I did encourage Meg to consider more "Neon" colors. :-) for the room..!!
