Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Capturing the Moment

Since Remy has come into our lives, I have made a conscious effort to capture all of the special moments.

Some moments I'm lucky enough to get on camera. 

Like Remy's first bath.

Nap Time.

Test driving Daddy's shoulders.

But some happen so quickly that I can only take a mental picture and file them away. Like how his toes curl when he stretches, or that sweet little smile right before he falls asleep.

Nine days after Remy came into the world, we packed up an arsenal of supplies (because we're first time parents and that's what we do) and headed out. We were meeting up with Amanda from Amanda McNeal Photography to capture some extra special moments.

Time to get back to capturing more moments.


  1. I. Am. In. Love. With. Him.
    Miss you and wish I was there so we could chat about everything!

  2. Dear Meg,
    Enjoy capturing the momemt because Little Remy is changing so fast. He has grown from a "newborn" to an adorable baby boy in just a few weeks. I was privileged to observe his first bath..He somehow didn't seem that pleased about it.hehe. He is a precious little boy and I can't wait to see My "Little Buddy" again and hold him. So keep taking those pictures !!! See you soon.

  3. Those moments are priceless and there will be many more. Thanks for sharing them with us. Can't wait to see him again.....oh and of course you and Caleb too! Love, Mom
