Sunday, July 29, 2012

Learning the Language

I'm learning a new language. Unfortunately, no amount of Rosetta Stone can help me.

I'm taking lessons though. I was automatically enrolled in " Crying 101: Say WHAT?! What that cry really means". The instructor has only been teaching for 7 weeks, so he offered to give me free lessons in exchange for unlimited diaper changes. (I'm not sure who got the better end - no pun intended - of the deal on that one.) Plus...I hear he grades on a curve.

My understanding, after reading the course outline, is that each cry has a distinct meaning. From what I can tell so far, based on real life experience, they all mean one thing... "Do SOMETHING Mom!"

Let's hope Caleb doesn't ruin the class curve.

Luckily for me, I have stumbled upon some cliff notes that should get me through this class with at least a passing grade. Through my studying I have noticed a direct correlation between a certain someone's facial expressions and what is really going on in that perfect little head of his.

Allow me to demonstrate.

I have included some images below of said facial expressions from a recent outing to the doctor's office. For those of you not enrolled in a similar class, I have added the translation below the image.

What  a exciting day! Mom and I have ventured out of the house to meet some very important people.
Mom says she can't wait to show me off to everyone since I'm such a cutie! 
Wow, this trip is turning into an adventure.  I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out.
Good thing there will be plenty of lollipops when we're done. I have a feeling I'll like the lemon flavor the best.
What? No lollipops? Some doctor's office this is.
 How about a few extra hugs and kisses when we get home and we'll call it even, k?
See how easy that is? I am one step closer to becoming bilingual.

And would you believe I wrote most of this blog in my head while rocking a crying baby to sleep "practicing" this new language?


  1. I think you are going to ace this course and knowing you, will try for "trilingual" ie: crying, facial expressions, and noises (and we know what that usually means!). Love the pictures of Remy and I don't care what he's doing...he's still the cutest baby I've ever seen! Love you all. Mom

  2. Dear Meg,
    I have to admit you seem to be doing fine with your new language course. I do think that Remy is going to give you a run for your money..perhaps with one of those "unexpected smiles" of his..(Here Mom..try to figure this one out!!!) or perhaps that one that is accompanied by a bit of "noise"..hehe. I know two things for sure..You are not going to fail the course and My "little buddy" is the cutest "instructor" ever !!! See you all soon
