Sunday, August 5, 2012

10 things I've learned in two months..

1. Laundry isn't so horrible when there are teenie tiny socks involved.
2. Not all babies go to sleep on their own. (See item #6)
3. With all of the clothes in the closet, sometimes I still prefer a naked baby.
4. I never thought I'd be so relieved to hear someone "toot".
5. Babies grow FAST. (We are currently at 11.2 lbs.)
6. I have mastered the sleep dance. (See item #2)
7. My diaper changing speed is still not fast enough.
8. I am happy sitting perfectly still for as long as required as long as I'm holding a sleeping baby. (See items #2 & 7)
9. There are moments for spontaneity. Like when you realize he's about to fall asleep so you do a quick photo shoot.

10. Photo shoots make babies sleepy.


  1. You are radiant, my friend!! These photos are amazing and motherhood suits you! He is absolutely perfect!

  2. Dear Meg,
    Wow..My two cuties!!! You both look adorable..What I don't understand is how come "you" don't have that "time for a nap" look ??!. I think he is enjoying all these photoshoots quite a bit..Be careful he doesn't start sending you and Caleb a bill..hehe. Another great blog Meg, keep them coming..Looking forward to seeing all of you in a couple weeks..YEA!!

  3. Love the pictures of Mommy & Remy. And of the ten things learned which I totally agree with...been there done that.....number 8 is my favorite...priceless! See you soon. Love, Mom

  4. And one more thing...did Caleb take these photos? They are awesome!

    1. He did! (With a "little" direction from me of course!) :)
