Friday, October 26, 2012

4 (ish) Months

I had every intention of posting Remy's 4 months pictures on (ok..more like around) Remy's 4 month birthday, but we've been a little busy...

...doing this...

...and this...

We've been running around pulling socks off (so he can find his toes) and putting them back on (because we wouldn't want his cute little toe piggies getting cold). We also spent the first few days flipping Remy back over since he wasn't always amused with laying on his tummy.

But we survived!

And although Remy is still perfecting his sock removal technique, he has mastered the roll over.

He has even been sleeping on his tummy at night, with the approval of our pediatrician of course.

All this time I've been debating if I should wait to post the 4 month pictures with the 5 months pictures because, let's face it, it's almost time for those. #wheredoesthetimego

But I know you've been on pins and needles waiting for this. (You have..right?) So without further ado....

(drumroll please...)

And now for the comparison.....


Unlike last time, you can definitely tell that he's grown. He's a whopping 14 lbs 7.5 oz and 25.5" long. In addition to grabbing at his feet, rolling over and sleeping on his tummy, he's smiling all of the time and just starting to giggle. Such a happy baby!

Remy has not come across anything he doesn't want to put in his mouth. His biggest thrill was the paper at the pediatrician's office.

Where's Remy?
He's even been practicing his riding skills...

Giddyup little doggie.


  1. What can I say......he gets cuter and cuter! And now he has a new skill, rolling over onto his tummy which, since I was there, I can attest that it was a "WOW" moment, however at 2 am...maybe not so much when he couldn't get back to sleep! But for a grandma it didn't matter since it gave me more time to spend with him awake. Grandma's never complain about their grandchildren. So glad to hear he can now sleep on his tummy without any problems. By the time I get there again in Nov I'm sure he'll have more tricks to show me. Can't wait!

  2. Dear Meg,
    Wow..He has gotten sooo big..I can hardly believe it. After watching the "horse ? riding video..I think you might have a future rodeo champ on your hands..not sure about the horse though !! The 4 month picture comparison really shows how much he has grown in the last month. He actually looks comfortable in that chair. Let's hope your doctor doesn't start charing you a "paper fee" for your visits..:-). Great Blog..can't wait to see him again soon.
