Monday, May 28, 2012

And that's a wrap!

Have I mentioned how lucky we are?

(Maybe a few times... here, here and here.)

Well here I go again (and I can guarantee you this isn't the last time). Two weeks ago, Caleb and I attended our final shower hosted by my wonderful ESa family.

I am overwhelmed each day at how thoughtful my work family is. Rumors of planning meetings and committee approval for the decorations (we're designers..what do you expect?) could not have prepared me for how special this event turned out.

I was shocked at the outpouring of generosity. Check out this gift pile!

Not only did they finish off my gift registry, but I got some extra special gifts that I've had my eye on as well.

Take Me For  A Walk

Numbers Nursery Art Print

Monsieur III Print
Once I get these on the wall, the nursery will almost be complete. I'm hoping to post the finished pictures before 'you know who' arrives. 

And a big THANK YOU to all of those who contributed their time and money to making my shower extra special. You are what make my job so fun!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mommyhood Glory

I hope all of the Moms and Moms-to-be out there had a great Mother's Day! Thanks to everyone who sent their love and wishes to me on such a special day.

I was a little apprehensive about Mother's Day this year. Without our baby boy here for me to hug and kiss, hold and cuddle, could I really celebrate this special day?

Why yes, yes I can.

Because you don't become a Mom the first time you hold your baby and look into his eyes. Or after you've changed the millionth diaper and made it through another sleepless night (that's when you receive your medal). You become a Mom the first time you hear his heartbeat and see his picture. The first time you talk to him, and feel him move when he recognizes your voice. The first time you realize that right now, you are the only thing in this world that he has ever known.

I became a Mom 36 1/2 weeks ago (but who's counting? Oh right..I am). I am filled with such joy and love for this little guy that I haven't even met yet.

And here I am in all of my Mommyhood Glory. (With my guy who's also pretty excited.) **

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography.

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography.

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography.

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography.

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography.

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography.

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography

Photo by Amanda McNeal Photography.
I am a Mom. And I'm going to celebrate.

**A special thanks to Amanda McNeal for so beautifully capturing our love and joy! To see more of her amazing work, visit her website here.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

so close.... meeting our little guy and we can't wait. Less than a month now until the due date (where did those 8 months go?!) Caleb and I have finished our baby classes (childbirth, breastfeeding & infant care) and are officially ready to practice our parenting skills (or so the teacher said as she handed us our graduation certificate). We are totally freaking out ready for this.

Caleb practicing the diaper change. It can't be that bad...right?
Caleb trying on the sympathy belly. He's not looking too sympathetic is he? All of the girls in the class agreed that although the weight (about 30 pounds) was accurate, the actual size of the belly wasn't. finishing the nursery. Caleb and I spent the weekend working on the nursery. We put up the curtains and shelves and got somewhat organized. All that we need is some art for the walls. Oh...and a baby of course! being able to see my feet again. I have gained 35 pounds so far, and I feel it in everything I do, including breathing. I even look big standing next to a truck! 

Maternity photos by Amanda McNeal. More to come in a later post! getting back to doing the things I enjoyed. Like working in the garden. My plants are begging for some attention that I am unable to give. The recent 90 degree temps combined with my current energy level (nonexistent) means it will be a while before they get any lovin' from me. Good thing I have myself a certified ...err...creative landscaper.

His newest creation, our Dr. Seuss bush. I smile every time I see it. finding new things I enjoy. With Mother's day only a week away, I must admit I am so excited about becoming a Mom.